
Arras, memory bewitched

de Eric LE BRUN , Jean-Pierre DUPLAN , Hervé LEROY

Prix éditeur : 15,00 €

Collection : Passages en ville


EAN : 9782952471770

Parution : 5 juin 2009

Pagination : 52 p.

Façonnage : relié

Quatrième de couverture

The town is enriched by its past, but equally proud of the present. The squares of Arras are famous throughout 
Europe. Robespierre, D'Artagnan, Vidocq, Verlaine... Wandering the streets and the pages, the reader and the passerby meet princess, peasants, revolutionaries, poets... and the creative spirits of today.

Memory fuses with life. The "Arrageois" are constantly seizing on their past... the truths and legends alike.

Hervé Leroy examines the subconscious of a town wich is overlaid with 2000 years of history. The preface, full of tenderness and humour, is by Jean-Louis Fournier. Photographers Jean-Pierre Duplan and Eric Le Brun dig out the most daring angles, from 20 meters deep underground to more than 75 meters above ground. Somewhere between poetry and mystery, "Arras, Memory Bewitched" takes a contemporary view of the city.

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