
Fantasy & Science-Fiction n° 675

de Charles Coleman FINLEY , Marc LAIDLAW , Richard MUELLER , Scott DALRYMPLE , Steven POPKES , Rand B. LEE , Gordon VAN GELDER , Charles DE LINT , Chris MORIARTY , Lucius SHEPARD , David LANGFORD

Collection : Fantasy & Science-Fiction

Éditeur : MERCURY

Parution : 1 août 2008

Poids : 118 g.


  • The Political Prisoner, by Charles COLEMAN FINLEY
  • Childrun, by Marc LAIDLAW
  • But wait ! There's more !, by Richard MUELLER
  • An Open Letter to Earth, by Scott DALRYMPLE
  • Another Perfect Day, by Steven POPKES
  • Bounty, by Rand B. LEE

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