
The Legion of Space


Collection : Galaxy Novel

Éditeur : WORLD

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There's nothing nebulous about that cluster of science fiction luminaries... and more will be appearing in our future sparkling issues.

It's only natural that GALAXY Science Fiction should have a constellation of famous writers. Our rates to authors are the highest in the field, our editorial policy the most challenging !

But GALAXY Science Fiction is not committed to big names only. You'll see uncharted stars flare to sudden brilliance : the first magnitudes in other fields streaking into ours... the giants of the next decade hurling out their first bits of flaming, molten prose.

Specifically, next month display an ISAAC ASIMOV NOVEL of cosmic might... three stellar installments surrounded by a zodiac of coruscating novelets and short stories.

Suscribe now to insure not missing any star-studded issues of GALAXY Science Fiction ! Our Christmas offer inside this issue makes is spectacularly easy and THRIFTY !

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